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Sophie Mckenzie 4 Books Collection Set (Burning Bright, All My Secrets, Split Second, Blood Ransom)

Original price was: $124.99.Current price is: $62.50.

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SKU: BF121744555323 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

Burning Bright:
The sequel to Falling Fast. Four months have passed and River and Flynn’s romance is still going strong. River thinks Flynn has his anger under control, but when she discovers he has been getting into fights and is facing a terrible accusation at school, she starts to question both Flynn’s honesty – and the intensity of their passion. Things come to a head at a family get together when River sees Flynn fly into one unprovoked rage too many.

All My Secrets:
The shocking reality behind a 10 million inheritance turns Evie Brown’s world on its head. Unable to find out the truth from her parents, Evie ends up on the mysterious island of Lightsea, where her desire for answers leads her towards a series of revelations that threaten everything she holds dear . . . including her life.

Split Second:
Bound together by the devastating consequences of a terrorist attack on a London market, teenagers Charlotte (Charlie) and Nat appear at first to have much in common. But, as Charlie gets closer to Nat and his family, she begins to wonder if perhaps he knows more about the attack than he has let on.

Blood Ransom:
Clones Rachel and Theo now live thousands of miles apart. They keep in touch, but things just aren’t the same. When Rachel discovers that evil scientist Elijah is still working in secret for a section of the government and about to murder Daniel, she sets out to rescue the little boy, but her plans backfire with disastrous consequences.


Sophie Mckenzie 4 Books Collection Set (Burning Bright, All My Secrets, Split Second, Blood Ransom)




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